Tuesday, April 30, 2013

TapouT XT Day 30 of 90

Day 30 = Ripped Conditioning + Ultimate Abs XT

I am pushing this workout to Thursday.  Today I rode my spin bike instead of doing my TapouT XT workout tonight.  It was a busy day and evening, so I got a quick spin in and will get back to TapouT XT tomorrow morning.

Today’s food…
Breakfast: Greek Yogurt with Kashi Go Lean Crunch Cereal topped with Blackberries


Snack: Cottage Cheese with Strawberries

Lunch: Salmon served with Green Peas and Guacamole

I only added the Guacamole because I had just made it up and I wanted to taste it.

Snack: Mini Banana Sorbet Bar

Only 90 Calories.

Dinner: Chicken Tikki Masala served with Baked Pita Chips and Guacamole
I made rice for my family, but I stuck with some baked whole wheat pita chips and the guacamole I made today.

Snack: Dark Chocolate Mint Chocolate
I know I should have picked a different snack to up my calories for the remainder of my day.  But you know me and chocolate, it was just calling my name.  I am going to start ignoring it soon though.

So as you know my lack of energy throughout the winter months was very concerning to me and it got me thinking that maybe I wasn’t getting enough from the foods that I have been eating.  So I decided to start taking a multi vitamin.  I am not one for taking things in pill form and I am only trying this as a trial.  I have also been taking some fish oil and B12 tablets.  I am also looking into helping clear the skin on my face.  Last night I picked up some Healthy Skin Chews to try out.  I know that it’s not going to clear overnight and I don’t expect it to, but I am hoping to see a change while the box of chews lasts.  I am also looking into changing up some of the foods that I eat as well to help clear the skin.  I know I know…cut out the chocolate.  And I will…cut down.  LOL

I don’t know if I mentioned that we now have satellite T.V. and it’s turning me into a couch potato…NOT…well sort of.  I don’t really like watching T.V. but I do like PVRing things so I can race through the commercials.  I PVRed the Dr. Oz show yesterday and it was all about losing weight and getting healthy, as is the remainder of the week.  I watched the show last night and there was a guest on there, Kimberly Snyder talking about her book The Beauty Detox Foods.  

I bought her book today on iBooks and began to read it.  I figure I can take some of her information to see if it can help clear my skin and make it better.  One thing I do know already, that if Kimberly reads this post, she would say "get rid of the Greek yogurt and the cottage cheese" that I ate today.  If I can clear my skin, lose more weight and continue on my journey to be A Healthier Version of Me through foods rather than taking added vitamins and other pills…I’m ALL for that.  As I read through it, I will let you know about it.  Tonight I ran out and got the ingredients to start making her Glowing Green Smoothie.  Hopefully it will help with that lack of energy that I am slowly recovering from.  I will let you know how the Glowing Green Smoothie tastes tomorrow.

Until then…Stay Strong!

Good night


1 comment:

  1. I had cystic acne for years and giving up gluten and dairy after a food intolerance test totally cleared it up. I have this book as well as her first and I don't follow her whole eating plan, but I do find having the lemon water in the morning and limiting liquids with meals like she suggests helpful. I also do raw sauerkraut for probiotics (that is her enzyme salad) and when I am consistent it helps. The GGS tastes alright IMO, but I don't feel awesome when I drink it so I don't have it everyday and don't find it makes much of a difference. My two year old loves it though. Good luck!
